预备(种子)训练 时间:七月七日(主日)晚上开始;七月十日(周三)晚上结束 地点:南加州亚凯迪亚召会会所:630 E Live Oak Ave, Arcadia, CA 91006 报到:七月七日(主日)下午4点开始报到 报名网站(请点击这里) 报名截止日期:六月九日 联络人:徐柏玉弟兄 (626) 623-2738, xu.baiyu@gmail.com
服事者成全训练 时间:七月十九日(周五)早上开始;七月二十一日(主日)中午结束 地点: 纽约州 毗努伊勒相调中心,288 Hickory Bush Rd, Kingston, NY 12401 报到:七月十八日(周四),电话: (845) 331-0288 报名网站(请点击这里) 报名截止日期: 六月二十三日。 联络人:余贵学弟兄 (609)933-5098,yuguixue@gmail.com
学生成全训练 日期:七月二十二日(周一)早上开始;七月二十六日(周五)中午结束 地点: 纽约州 毗努伊勒相调中心,288 Hickory Bush Rd, Kingston, NY12401 报到:七月二十一日(主日) ,电话: (845) 331-0288 报名网站(请点击这里) 报名截止日期: 六月二十三日,名额300位,只接受全程报名,报满为止 联络人:余贵学弟兄 (609)933-5098,yuguixue@gmail.com
Training Announcement download
Preparation Training (Seed Training) Date: July 7 (evening) – July 10(evening) Location: The Church in Arcadia meeting hall. (630 E. Live Oak Ave, Arcadia, CA 91006) Check in: July 7, after 4pm Registration Website (click here) Cost : :$100 (excluding accommodation), $150 (including accommodation), after the due date, there will be a $20 late fee. Registration due date: June 9 (after the due date, there will be a $20 late fee) Contacts: Baiyu Xu (626) 623-2738,xu.baiyu@gmail.com
Serving Ones’ Perfecting Training Date: July 22(morning) – July 26(noon) Location: Kingston Penuel Christian Center (288 Hickory Bush Rd, Kingston, NY12401) Check in: July 18, Phone: (845) 331-0288 Registration Website (click here) Cost: Adults $150, Young people(age13-17)$80, Children(age 6-12) $60, under 6 is free. after the due date, there will be a $20 late fee Registration due date: June 23. Contacts:Peter Yu (609) 933-5098,yuguixue@gmail.com
Students’ Perfecting Training Date: July 21(Saturday morning) – July 26(Thursday noon) Location: Kingston Penuel Christian Center (288 Hickory Bush Rd, Kingston, NY12401) Check in: July 21, Phone: (845) 331-0288 Registration Website (click here) Cost: Adults $250, Young people(age13-17)$120,Children(age 6-12)$80, under 6 is free. After the due date, there will be a $20 late fee. Registration due date: June 23. Full capacity is 300 people; only fulltime registration is accepted. Registration will be closed after capacity is reached. Contacts:Peter Yu (609) 933-5098,yuguixue@gmail.com Download: Commuting Guide and Hotel Information