二〇一四年华语学生成全训练 感谢主,今年的华语成全训练将于七月十八日至二十四日在新泽西富兰克林召会举行,并且将在北美其他区域有周末的延伸训练。 请为此次训练代祷,并鼓励当地的华语学生以及他们的服事者报名参加。 |
2014 Chinese-Speaking Students Perfecting Training Praise the Lord, this year the Chinese-speaking students perfecting training will be held in Franklin Park, New Jersey from July 18th to July 24th. Also, there will be weekend extensions to the perfecting training in other areas in North America. Please pray for this training and encourage those Chinese-speaking students and their serving ones in your locality to register and participate in this training. |
标语歌: 标语歌谱,标语歌(mp3),标语歌弹奏(mp3)
预备训练: 快讯1, 快讯2, 快讯3, 快讯4, 快讯5
延伸训练: 新泽西( 快讯1, 快讯2 ), 南加, 北加, 西北, 东加, 中西, 中南, 東南